Our Governance & Compliance

Technology equips us, impeccable client service moves us, and adding value to every business transaction drives us to be transparent in everything we do.

In pursuit of our vision to be the trusted financial services provider of choice on the journey to financial certainty for every individual, business and organisation that we deal with, we ensure that we act only with honesty, integrity, and transparency.

The NFB family of companies are all appropriately authorized and licensed by the Financial Sector Conduct Authority to provide a spectrum of financial services.  All of our representatives such as our private wealth managers, advisors and stockbrokers are appropriately authorized by the business concerned and comply with stringent competence requirements which include character qualities of honesty, integrity and being of good standing, as well as having the required levels of experience and qualifications to fulfil their functions.  We have a highly developed risk and control framework and ensure that everything we do is compliant with all regulation applicable to us.


Treating Customers Fairly

We are committed to upholding the Treating Customers Fairly principles in everything we do. In adopting TCF principles, we aim to:

  • Protect the interests of our clients at each stage of the product decision life cycle.
  • Meet as best we can, the unique needs of each client by offering a transparent, efficient and professional service and constantly reviewing our service to identify areas of improvement.


Our commitment to TCF means:

Outcome 1 of TCF: Customers can be confident that they are dealing with firms where TCF is central to the corporate culture.

All stakeholders in our business have a fundamental interest in best practice for clients and our processes and systems are designed around their best interests. The principles of TCF are driven from C-Suite level through every element of our business, keeping communications open to ensure that management and staff are aligned.

Outcome 2 of TCF: Products and services marketed and sold in the retail space must be designed to meet the needs of identified customer groups and must be targeted accordingly.

Thanks to a close association with NFB Asset Management and NVest Securities, we’re able to provide a suite of products designed to meet client needs in a simple and efficient manner. This practice is complemented by an in-depth due diligence and client needs analysis.

Outcome 3 of TCF: Customers must be provided with clear information and kept appropriately informed before, during and after point of sale.

We provide clients with comprehensive product information, including a detailed proposal that incorporates product descriptions, risks, costs and rationale, in a clear and transparent manner with the aim of ensuring that clients can make informed decisions. Our clients receive regular portfolio updates from both NFB and additionally, in some instances, from the relevant institutions.

Outcome 4 of TCF: Where advice is given, it must be suitable and take account of a customer’s circumstances.

All advisors are appropriately qualified with an adequate knowledge and understanding of the products offered. NFB advisors attend regular internal and external training sessions to keep up to date with product, legislative and industry knowledge. NFB ensures that the advice given by its private wealth managers is in the best interest of the client for their circumstances.

Outcome 5 of TCF: Products should perform as firms have led customers to expect, and the service is of an acceptable standard, and in line with customer expectations.

NFB’s philosophy places clients at the forefront of everything we do with a view to establishing long term, mutually rewarding relationships. NFB endeavors to provide clients with advice, service and product that is in line with their expectations. We stand by our values, not by the small print.

Outcome 6 of TCF: Customers do not face unreasonable post-sale barriers imposed by firms to change product, switch provider, submit a claim or make a complaint.

NFB is confident in the quality of its advice and in the investment products it recommends. We do not rely on product restrictions as a mechanism to retain clients. Products recommended are typically flexible and can be adapted in line with client or market circumstances.

You can download and view the full Treating Customers Fairly Policy.

Complaints Handling and Procedure Policy

Through the Nvest Holdings Group Complaints Handling and Procedure Policy, we seek to ensure that our Clients and stakeholders experience the highest standards of service in resolving Complaints.

You can download and view the full Complaints Handling Policy Procedure.

Ethics Policy

The NVest Holdings Group is proud of the values with which it conducts business. It has and will continue to uphold the highest levels of business ethics and personal integrity in all types of transactions and interactions. To this end, this Ethics Policy serves to:

  • Document the Group’s commitment to conducting its business operations in an ethical and legally compliant manner;
  • Prescribe basic standards of ethical behaviour;
  • Provide reporting mechanisms for known or suspected ethical or legal violations; and
  • Help prevent and detect wrongdoing and unethical conduct that would tarnish the brand, reputation and good standing of the Group.

You can download and view the full Ethics Policy

Conflicts of Interest

A Financial Services Provider is regulated by a number of Acts and Codes of Conduct. In terms of the General Code of Conduct, all FSPs must adopt and publish their Conflict of Interest Management Policy.

Should you wish to read NFB's Conflict of Interest Management Policy, please contact us.

Promotion of Access to Information

The Promotion of Access to Information Act 2000 (PAIA) was passed to give effect to the constitutional right of access to information held by a public or private body for the exercise or protection of any right. Any person must be given access to any of our records if certain requirements are met by the requester.

Please refer to our PAIA Manual for the requirements to request information.

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